Tuesday 8th October 2013
App names needed!
Two of our apps are coming in on the home stretch now (meaning we hope to have them ready in time for Christmas to go along with all your new iPad 5). However, we are having a little difficulty coming up with great, descriptive names for them.
Maybe you can help us. We will publish a short list of the best suggestions on our FB. If your suggestion is listed, we will send you a free copy of both apps when they are released. Send your suggestions to [email protected].
App #1:
Working title: Odd One Out
Premise: One out of four pictures does not belong with the others. It is the odd one out. Help our cute monster Oddi figure out which one has to go.
Target Audience: Preschool (age 3-5)
App icon:
App #2:
Working title: Associations
Premise: Three pictures have something in common. Figure out what and spell that word. Clues are available.
Target Audience: Lower elementary (age 6-8)
App icon: